Roundtables on Race:
Sep 08, 2023 |
RoR - Season 3, Episode 9: The Politics of Race and Education
|RoR - Season 3, Episode 9: The Politics of Race and Education
Season 3: Race and Education
Episode 9: The Politics of Race and Education
It seems almost impossible to believe that education could be a political hot-button, but it has become just that. Or has it always been? Either way, the question that must be asked is….why? Host the Rev. Kathy Walker is joined by Senators Kimberly Jackson and Dwight Bullard to explore the question. Their answers may surprise you, as they explain why education has always been a passionate issue, the nuances of education challenges, and why some of the most confusing actions today are actually a sign of progress and hope.
Episode 9: The Politics of Race and Education
It seems almost impossible to believe that education could be a political hot-button, but it has become just that. Or has it always been? Either way, the question that must be asked is….why? Host the Rev. Kathy Walker is joined by Senators Kimberly Jackson and Dwight Bullard to explore the question. Their answers may surprise you, as they explain why education has always been a passionate issue, the nuances of education challenges, and why some of the most confusing actions today are actually a sign of progress and hope.