Roundtables on Race:
Jul 07, 2023 |
RoR - Season 3, Episode 2: Racism, Not Race
|RoR - Season 3, Episode 2: Racism, Not Race
Season 3: Race and Education
Episode 2: Racism, Not Race
One of the ongoing arguments around race and education is about the teaching of race and racism. They’re often used as interchangeable terms in the course of conversation, so in this episode, the Rev. Kathy Walker is joined by Dr. Joseph Graves, Jr. and Dr. Alan Goodman, authors of "Racism, Not Race: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions" to explore the difference between the terms and what we’re really talking about when these terms are used in relation to education.
Episode 2: Racism, Not Race
One of the ongoing arguments around race and education is about the teaching of race and racism. They’re often used as interchangeable terms in the course of conversation, so in this episode, the Rev. Kathy Walker is joined by Dr. Joseph Graves, Jr. and Dr. Alan Goodman, authors of "Racism, Not Race: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions" to explore the difference between the terms and what we’re really talking about when these terms are used in relation to education.